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Battery for DELL Alienware M17x

By Zdziarski at 2017-06-15 01:15:23

But whereas Motorola's Atrix was a fling-it-against-the-wall-and-see caper from a company in turmoil, HP has put quite a lot of wood behind this arrow. It’s narrowcasting it at the businesses where it's appropriate, rather than splurging, though.
The selling point is not cost of hardware – the full kit is a quid short of a grand. It partly comes from convenience, with less material to lug about:
But mainly from back-office savings. From dispensing with the BOFHs. There's a lower TCO, HP reckons, from a phone that's a VDI hub, as it doesn't require an employer to hire so many highly trained IT staff and manage them, Daniel Barham, Mobility Business Development Manager for HP, told us.
It's not going to replace every device, but within multiple verticals it's going to be a strong proposition. Such as? Healthcare, it can enable nurses and doctors to access patient records. Field services sectors, such as engineers; logistics for packing and shipping and inventory tracking. And public sector: law enforcement and blue light (first responders) staff.Not everyone will need or be sold HP Workspace, the VDI service, said Barham. HP Workspace was for SMBs and lower mid-market businesses, in practice meaning companies with 20 to 200 staff. That's because larger enterprises have generally got their own VDI setup established, such as Citrix or VMWare.

HP argues that Windows 10's desperate app gap doesn't really matter so much in the enterprise. Most important apps are covered.There's a range of subscription models, but if you require the Win32 apps and don't have your own VDI setup, the most attractive route is striking a long-term deal with HP Financial Services. If you do, then magically, the headline price plummets. The headline price tag for a HP Workspace offering getting you 40 hours of Win32 app time a month is £603 per year. But that falls to £19 per user per month for 40 hours (the 80-hour tier is £679 a year, which falls to £25 per month per user via HPFS).The x3 deal will be sold through traditional IT reseller channels primarily, although some system integrators are working with HP.A 21 year-old Dutch man has been jailed for one month with another year suspended for infecting more than 2,000 computers to spy on minors via webcams.The man known as Jair M was arrested in October 2013 after he infected the machines with remote access trojans and recorded and captured footage of minors in compromising positions.Court documents reveal he identified vulnerabilities in target computers using the infamous Black Shades remote access trojan (RAT), along with DarkEye, Dark Comet, Cammy, and Cyber ​​Gate.Prosecutors revealed M, who suffers a form of autism, had built phishing sites since the age of 11 and was expelled from high school at 15 for hacking a teacher's computer.

In 2013 the hacker published online a variant of the Dutch national secondary school exam taken by about one fifth of the student population before it was available. Worse still, he posted the exam using another student's laptop.His deception led to the student spending a night in jail and remaining a suspect for months.At the end of April my home was broken into by a professional who silently and systematically looted my residence of all my portable wealth while I slept.In the morning, as I looked around for a phone to call the cops (there wasn’t one, so I had to Skype them from a desktop machine), I saw he’d used an entrance that offered just enough space to enable someone bold and flexible to gain entry.After the police had come, dusted for fingerprints (we found his gloveprints everywhere, but no fingerprints), filled out their reports, and left me to deal with the intricate process of rebooting the credentials of my existence, I had a good think about how I’d overlooked the obvious.A few months earlier the cops had rung my bell and told me my neighbour had been robbed. If I was wise, they advised, I’d keep my place locked up tight.I took their advice, when I was away from home. That was my big mistake, because I refused to believe that I could sleep through a robbery. Until it happened.

For the first few nights after the robbery, I slept uneasily. But fairly quickly I fell into a nightly pattern of walking the perimeter of my home, checking and securing each of the windows and doors before I retired to bed. Rob me once, shame on you. Rob me twice...?Which brings me to last night when friends invited me over for dinner and to revel in their new ultra-high-speed broadband connection. By fits and starts, Australia’s National Broadband Network has finally made it to their residence, and they signed up the day it became available. A hundred megabits of downstream goodness - enough, even, for a few Netflix 4K streams.When I arrived all was in chaos, as one of my friends - who had been a sysadmin in an earlier career - worked to reconfigure the router installed by the ISP. The router had booted with default username and password settings – the same default username and password settings used for every other connection in their apartment buildings. We could see all their remarkably similar SSIDs beaming through the walls of their flat.“Wow, my friend said, “I wonder if any of those folks changed their default username and passwords. Or if they even know they need to.

It’s not hard to be a paranoid in a world that seems to be insecure by design. It isn’t terribly difficult to load up factory firmware that generates a random password, assigns it to a device, then prints a label with that information to go into the box with the gadget. It’s more work than just slapping a default username and password into the software - but not much. And the cost, amortised against tens of thousands of units, can’t be more than a penny or two.Or we can rely on users - who expect, in the era of Apple, that things will ‘just work’ with minimal intervention. Where ‘it just works’ means ‘opens your network to attack’, that’s a sure sign we’ve missed the point, that we’ve grown too lazy, that it’s been too long since the last time we woke up to find ourselves robbed by a thief in the night.Every device - every desktop and laptop and smartphone and connected widget of any sort - must be secure enough against attack that we never need worry that we’re doing enough if we do nothing at all.Is that hard? Maybe. Making devices that are secure by design requires more forethought than we currently allow in product development. That’s the first thing we need to change.

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